Ofsted finds pupils are ‘proud of the contribution they make to the life of the school’
We are extremely pleased to share the news that during a recent visit from Ofsted, they found that pupils of our school are ‘enthusiastic about learning and speak knowledgeably about the broad range of subjects that they study’.
Our school has been rated as ‘Good’ across all areas, with a specific acknowledgement of our hard work to 'have put in a place well considered and ambitious curriculum’ and ‘routinely check pupils’ understanding before they move on to new learning so that pupils develop detailed subject knowledge’.
We are proud that Ofsted have highlighted that our pupils ‘value the wide range of opportunities they have to develop their interests in music, drama and sport’ and ‘they are proud of the contribution they make to the life of the school’. Ofsted also noted that our ‘curriculum promotes pupils’ personal development well. Pupils learn the importance of tolerance and respect’.
This is our first Ofsted inspection since converting to academy status and joining the Diocese of Westminster Academy Trust (DoWAT)’s family of schools in 2012, and we’re thrilled that our school’s success continues to be recognised.
Ofsted also found: 'Pupils develop detailed subject knowledge and use this knowledge to make connections in their learning and to explore new ideas. Leaders ensure that teachers make suitable adaptations for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities to access the full curriculum.’
You can read the Ofsted report on our website: January 2023 Ofsted Report
If you would like to find out more about our school, or arrange a tour, please contact the school office on 01462 620670.