Curriculum Overview

The curriculum at St Thomas More fully supports the mission of the school. The broad range of subjects offered across all key stages ensures that each child’s unique talents and gifts are encouraged and celebrated.

Through high-quality teaching we aim to foster the intellectual, social, creative, physical, moral and spiritual development of all our pupils so that they grow into compassionate informed, articulate and empowered individuals. 

Curriculum Intent

Our ambitious and progressive curriculum is designed to:

• excite and inspire every pupil, so they can thrive in all aspects of their lives - spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally and physically in line with our Mission Statement.

• offer carefully sequenced lessons in each curriculum subject so that small steps of progress are achieved on a daily basis. Over time, this will lead to deeper understanding and a secure knowledge base that can be applied to future learning.

• support our pupils to become resourceful, reflective, respectful, resilient learners who are able to relate well to other people.

• develop pupils’ understanding of their role as active, ethical and educated members of society by promoting pupils’ knowledge of and respect for the wider world.

• foster a lifelong love of learning as pupils grow to become increasingly compassionate, informed, articulate and empowered.

Curriculum Implementation

The curriculum at St Thomas More is a coherent, subject based one. It is designed to be a knowledge-rich curriculum as we recognise knowledge as an entitlement for every child. The curriculum is research- based and carefully sequenced to build knowledge over time so that progression can be tracked across the school. Within each subject area content is arranged in line with age-related progression and there is a clear expectation in terms of the knowledge pupils are expected to have gained within each subject at key points in their education.

Key points include:

• Catholic values and teachings provide the foundation for all aspects of learning throughout the curriculum.

• A broad and balanced curriculum whereby subjects are taught in discrete areas. Opportunities to apply reading and writing skills are woven throughout the curriculum and links are made across curriculum areas where this supports wider understanding.

• Online safety is addressed through specific lessons as well as being embedded across the curriculum.

• Subject-specific language is taught at the beginning of topics and pupils are encouraged to use and apply new vocabulary.

• Knowledge planners in some subjects outline the key knowledge and vocabulary for teachers - they also contain an overview of where the topic sits within the subject.

• Knowledge organisers in some subjects outline the key knowledge and vocabulary for pupils and are used as reference point during topics.

• Key learning behaviours are taught and promoted alongside knowledge and skills.

• Pupil voice is used to monitor children's understanding and engagement in the curriculum.

• Learning is enriched by carefully selected resources and planned opportunities for first-hand experiences (educational visits, experience days, visitors etc)

Curriculum Impact

Our engaging and empowering curriculum supports every child to thrive and live life to the fullest (John 10:10) by supporting, encouraging and enabling pupils to:

  • gain the necessary literacy and numeracy skills to assist them to access the next stage of learning
  • use the knowledge and skills grow into compassionate, informed, articulate and empowered learners.
  • show respect for other people, traditions and cultures and to become active, ethical and educated citizens.
  • value their education and cultivate a lifelong love of learning.


At STM, we value all areas of the curriculum. We are fortunate to have a number of highly skilled members of staff who specialise in different areas of the curriculum.

French: Pupils in Key Stage 2 receive weekly lessons in French. Lessons last between 40 minute and one hour. Pupils enjoy these lessons and show pride when they are able to interact with their teachers in French. Pupils are encouraged to use language for real purposes in daily classroom routines to make sure that their knowledge sticks. We enjoy seeing how our pupils increase their cultural awareness and grow in confidence using French.

Music: Pupils from Years 1-6 have weekly music lessons with a specialist teacher. Lessons timings range from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the age of the pupils. We also have a weekly singing practice for the whole school, as well as a lunchtime choir and an after-school orchestra.

Children from Years 3-6 are able to learn an instrument through specialist music tuition provided by the Herts Music Service. Brass, violin, piano and guitar lessons are available on a fee-paying basis. Lessons can be individual, shared or group lessons. Parents in receipt of Income Support or Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance cn apply for remission of music fees. Applicants who are in receipt of Family Credit, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit or Disability Working Allowance can apply to receive 50% remission. Applications can be made online at or calling 0300 123 4048.

If you would like to apply for tuition please complete the application form from Herts Music Service at or call 01438 844851.

Children will will need to have the requested instrument at home to allow them to practise. The music teachers are happy to offer advice about this.

My St Thomas More journey

Welcome to our case studies page. We are proud that our children are happy and enjoy learning at school.  Here are some of their favourite things about St Thomas More.