School Dinners and Snacks

As a school with the 'Healthy Schools' award, we are committed to promoting healthy eating. Dolce provide our school meals. The children are able to choose, either at home or at registration time, from various options: meat, vegetarian, jacket potato or a cold option. A copy of the menu is available below and in paper form for parents.

Under the government’s ‘Universal Infant Free School Meal’ scheme, every child in the Reception class, Year 1 and Year 2 is entitled to a free school meal. Dolce offers an online ordering/ payment system for parents, but will not charge for any meals recorded for children in Early Years 2 to Year 2. 

We can also provide a hot lunch for children in Nursery. Please note, Nursery children are not entitled to the 'Universal Infant Free School Meal' scheme.

The cost of a school dinner for Nursery is £2.55 per meal.

The cost of a school dinner (Year 3 - Year 6) is £3.00 per meal.

A packed lunch can also be brought in by your child, if you prefer. However, we would ask that all lunchboxes be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. As a healthy school, we also ask that you avoid chocolates and sweets, as well as any nut products, since there are several children with a nut allergy in school to whom this could pose a danger.

Fizzy drinks are not permitted, but drinking water is encouraged.

Dolce School Menu : Spring 2025 Menu

School Milk

Milk is available for all children.  It is free for those in Early Years 1 and those up to the age of 5 in Early Years 2. This should be ordered and paid for before the end of the previous term. For all other children it is paid directly to 'Cool Milk' - click on icon below to be taken to their website.

For further information, contact the school office.


Following a Government initiative, a fruit/vegetable snack is available to all children in Early Years and Key Stage 1. If you would like to provide your child with a snack for morning playtime, this should only be a piece of fruit or vegetable. As a 'Healthy School', we are teaching the children about healthy eating, especially the importance of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables each day and this is an important way of reinforcing the message.

We encourage children to drink water during the school day. Water bottles can be purchased at the school office to keep in class. They must contain only still water and need to be taken home to be washed. A water fountain is available on both the Infant and Junior playground.