Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Back"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created Him; male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:27
Personal, Social, Health, and Education (PSHE) is woven into the fabric of our school, supporting every pupil in developing empathy, understanding the world and cultivating self-regulation skills.
We use the Ten Ten Programme to structure our schemes of work, ensuring clear progression across all strands of the subject. From the moment children join our school, they are introduced to Guy Claxton’s Building Learning Power framework. These vital learning habits are consistently reinforced through key stage assemblies and the language we use in the classroom, helping students grow into resilient, reflective, and resourceful learners.
PSHE, Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
EYFS Progression of Knowledge and Skills
KS1 Progression of Knowledge and Skills