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Back"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues."
Acts 2:4
French is taught from Years 3 - 6. We have a strong commitment to towards language teaching so we ensure that this subject is taught by a specialist teacher. We have adopted the Cave Languages Scheme of Work to ensure progression across the year groups.
Our chosen scheme for teaching French emphasises the importance of phonics for accurate reading and writing. This approach also supports correct pronunciation and mirrors the way we teach reading/writing in English. We use a range of carefully selected books, games, rhymes, songs and other resources to support all children in understanding French language and culture. The aim is that by Year 6, children are writing increasingly complex sentences and can use key vocabulary to communicate practical needs and opinions. Our intent is that children adopt resilient attitudes to learning another language and also develop life-long practical skills to support their language learning.